Ted Lawless

Presentations and workshops

"Web of Science Data Integration". Web of Science as a Research Dataset Workshop. November, 2016. Bloomington, IN.

"ORCID and the Web of Science". PIDapalooza. November, 2016. Reykjavik, Iceland.

"Publication Data Enrichment at the University of Florida with the Web of Science". VIVO Conference. August, 2016. Denver, CO.

"Maintenance Queries, Automating the Identification and Resolution of Problematic Data in VIVO"

"Deploying VIVO as a Static Site". VIVO Conference. August, 2016. Denver, CO.

"What Does A Metadata Professional Need to Know? ". NISO Virtual Conference, BIBFRAME & Real World Applications of Linked Bibliographic Data. June, 2016.

"Build Your Own Identity Hub". Code4Lib. March, 2016. Philadelphia, PA.

"VIVO Apps and Tools". Workshop. VIVO Conference. August, 2015. Boston, MA.

"VIVO: An overview and its Implementation at Brown". NISO Virtual Conference, Connecting the Library to the Wider World: Successful Applications of Linked Data. December, 2014.

"VIVO Apps and Tools". Workshop. VIVO Conference. August 2014. Austin, TX.

"The VIVO Manager at Brown". Poster. VIVO Conference. August 2014. Austin, TX.

"VIVO for Beginners". Workshop. ELAG, European Library Automation Group Annual Conference. June, 2014. Bath, England.

"Delivery Services". Workshop. Code4Lib. February, 2013. Chicago, IL.

"Easy Article at Brown". Code4Lib North. May, 2012. Windsor, ON.