Importing Python code by file reference and inspecting classes


I recently had a use case for importing Python code by reference to its full file path, inspecting each class found within the source, and performing a task if a particular attribute was found. This was for a command-line interface (CLI) and I wanted the script to be run like the following:

$ python /full/path/to/

My initial scan of stackoverflow answers didn't provide a solution for exactly what I wanted to do in this case. So I turned to my other favorite resource, Python 3 Module of the Week, and read up on the standard library's importlib and inspect modules. I was able to piece this together.

import importlib
import inspect
import sys
from pathlib import Path

source_path = sys.argv[1]

cwd = Path(__file__).parent
path = Path(source_path)

module_name = path.stem

# Append the parent of the source_path to the python path
print(f"Importing {source_path} as {module_name}")

# Import the source code as a module.
imported_source = importlib.import_module(module_name)

# Use inspect to get all classes.
for name, _class in inspect.getmembers(imported_source, inspect.isclass):
    # Check for existence of the target attribute.
        attrib = getattr(_class, "my_target_attribute")
    except AttributeError:
    if attrib is None:
        # If the attribute is found, do something.
        print(f"{name} -- do something with the target attribute.")

This solution requires that all modules imported by the source file already exist in your environment. Otherwise you will get import errors.